TUESDAY June 25 Introductory remarks 9:00-10:00 am Homology of partition posets Michelle WACHS 10:30-11:00 Intersections of several flags and a generalization of permutation matrices to higher dimensions Kimmo ERIKSSON, Svante LINUSSON 11:15-11:45 Enumeration of trees and one amazing representation of the symmetric group Igor PAK, Alexander POSTNIKOV 12:00-12:30 New Euler-Mahonian permutation statistics Robert J. CLARKE, Einar STEINGR\'IMSSON, Jiang ZENG 2:00-3:00 Combinatorics of ribbon tableaux Bernard LECLERC 3:15-3:45 The Chinese monoid Julien CASSAIGNE, Marc ESPIE, Florent HIVERT, Daniel KROB, Jean-Christophe NOVELLI 4:15-5:30 Poster session papers Homology confinement for signed posets and other simplicial complexes Ron M. ADIN Permutations avoiding certain patterns: the case of length 4 and some generalizations Mikl\'os B\'ONA Spectra of bipartite $P$- and $Q$- polynomial association schemes John CAUGHMAN, IV 2-homogeneous bipartite distance-regular graphs Brian CURTIN Symplectic analogs to $L(m,n)$ Rob G. DONNELLY Coproducts and the $cd$-index Richard EHRENBORG, Margaret READDY On subspace arrangements of type $\cal D$ Eva Maria FEICHTNER, Dmitry N. KOZLOV An alternative method for $q$-counting directed column-convex polyominoes Svjetlan FERETI\'C Mots de piles, tableaux de Young standard, permutations \`a motifs exclus et cartes planaires O. GUIBERT Rook theory and hypergeometric series James HAGLUND Invariants of cubical spheres G\'abor HETYEI WEDNESDAY June 26 9:00-10:00 am Some upper bound problems arising in combinatorial optimization G\"unter M. ZIEGLER 10:30-11:00 Extremal properties of $h$-vectors and Hilbert functions Vesselin GASHAROV 11:15-11:45 Algebraic shifting and sequentially Cohen-Macaulay simplicial complexes Art M. DUVAL 12:00-12:30 On generalized lexicographic shellability and orbit arrangements Dmitry N. KOZLOV 2:00-2:30 Solving algebraic equations in terms of $\cal A$-hypergeometric series Bernd STURMFELS 2:45-3:15 Graphs, syzygies, and multivariate splines Lauren L. ROSE 3:45-5:00 Poster session papers Some polynomials associated with up-down permutations Warren JOHNSON Using the Schubert toolkit to compute with polynomials in several variables Axel KOHNERT, S\'ebastien VEIGNEAU A variation of Kra\'skiewicz insertion and shifted tableaux T. K. LAM Necklace algebras and Witt vectors associated with formal group laws Cristian LENART Homotopy in $q$-polynomial distance-regular graphs Heather A. LEWIS Oscillating tableaux, $S_m\times S_n$-modules, and the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence Igor PAK, Alexander POSTNIKOV Counting constrained domino tilings of Aztec diamonds Ira GESSEL, Alexandru IONESCU, James PROPP Multidimensional matrix inversions Michael SCHLOSSER Factorizations, trees, and cacti Colin SPRINGER An algebraic approach to a class of combinatorial sums Donatella MERLINI, Renzo SPRUGNOLI, M. Cecilia VERRI Generalized Lyashko-Looijenga map, ramified coverings of the sphere, and enumeration of edge-labeled $k$-trees B. SHAPIRO, M. SHAPIRO, A. VAINSHTEIN Computer talks at the Geometry Center 7:30-8:00 An overview of CalICo M. DELEST, N. ROUILLON, J.M. F\'EDOU 8:15-8:45 Using ACE an algebraic combinatorics environment for MAPLE Jean-Yves THIBON, S\'ebastien VEIGNEAU 9:00-9:30 RISC software for symbolic computation in combinatorics Istv\'an NEMES THURSDAY June 27 9:00-10:00 am Yang-Baxter relations and Rogers-Ramanujanism in Statistical Mechanics Rodney J BAXTER 10:30-11:00 Lecture hall partitions Mireille BOUSQUET-M\'ELOU, Kimmo ERIKSSON 11:15-11:45 Special power series solutions of linear differential equations Sergei A. ABRAMOV, Marko PETKOV\v SEK 2:00-3:00 Graph Eigenvalues, Modular Addition and Nearly Orthogonal Vectors Noga ALON 3:30-4:00 Lyndon factorization of sturmian words Guy MELAN\c CON 4:15-4:45 Int\'egration symbolique des \'equations diff\'erentielles lin\'eaires \`a coefficients m\'eromorphes via les fonctions de Dirichlet Hoang Ngoc MINH social event FRIDAY June 28 9:00-10:00 am J. Kahn (title to be announced) 10:30-11:00 Enumeration of perfect matchings in graphs with reflective symmetry Mihai CIUCU 11:15-11:45 The Terwilliger algebra of an almost-bipartite graph and its antipodal cover Benjamin V.C. COLLINS 12:00-12:30 Affine Lie algebras and reduced Schur functions Susumu ARIKI, Tatsuhiro NAKAJIMA, Hiro-Fumi YAMADA no afternoon sessions SATURDAY June 29 9:00-10:00 am Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials from a combinatorial point of view Francesco BRENTI 10:30-11:00 Murnaghan-Nakayama rules for characters of Iwahori-Hecke algebras of the complex reflection groups $G(r,p,n)$ Tom HALVERSON, Arun RAM 11:15-11:45 Vertical strip tableau games Glenn TESLER 12:00-12:30 Tensor representations for orthosymplectic Lie superalgebras and hook Schur functions Georgia BENKART, Chanyoung Lee SHADER, Arun RAM 2:00-3:00 The calculus of shapes: a progress report Vic REINER 3:30-4:00 Four new formulas for Schubert polynomials Peter MAGYAR 4:15-4:45 Vexillary elements in the hyperoctahedral group Sara BILLEY, Tao Kai LAM