formal power series & algebraic combinatorics 2010

some pictures

Participant Support

The conference expects to provide limited financial support to contribute to travel and living expenses during the conference. First priority will be given to graduate students, postdocs, and junior faculty, and--in some exceptional cases--to qualified undergraduates. We encourage applications from members of groups underrepresented in the mathematical sciences.

Those requesting support should also ask a mentor to write a supporting letter of recommendation on their behalf and to email it to Thomas Bliem. If the participant is still a student, then this letter should preferably be written by the participant's faculty supervisor.

Requests for support should be emailed to Thomas Bliem no later than April 1, 2010, and contain the following (text only, no attachments, please):

  • Name:
  • E-mail Address:
  • University/Organization:
  • Current Position:
  • Year of Ph.D.:
  • University at which you did your Ph.D.:
  • If you are a student, please indicate the name and email address of your faculty supervisor:
  • Recommender’s name and contact information:
  • Estimated transportation cost and living expenses:
  • Please list all other sources and amounts of financial support:
  • Please explain in a few sentences why you need the support and how you would expect to benefit from the Conference:
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